Farrell Farms

My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. Also know that wisdom is like honey for you:
If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off
Proverbs 24:13-14

About US image
When Shanon and I moved to Van Alstyne Texas in 2019, one of our goals was to give back to nature and help pollinate the world or at least Texas! Bees are so important to our food production and it is one of the few ag exemptions our property qualified for, so it was perfect! We started in May of 2019 with two bee hives that were purchased from Texas Bee Supply. From there, we expanded to 7 bee hives and we even caught a couple of swarms to add to the apiary!  

In 2022 was awesome and we collected 15 gallons from 7 hives and left plenty of honey for the bees!

In 2023: we collected 30 gallons of honey, all from "wild" or feral (FARRELL) Bees that we saved or caught locally with swarm boxes! To date we have over 20 hives from Feral bees. mostly swarming.

In the middle of August, Shanon saw a swarm of bees off our back porch heading toward our Bees yard and when I went to try to local them, I found them in a tree, all balled up. I moved them into a swarm box and mounted it to a tree - that was swarm 21 on the year! So that means we saved over 630,000 Honey Bees this year alone! 

For 2024: Its shaping up to be a great year! We spread the hives across Farrell Farms, Loving Ranch and the LaFollet Ranch and got mixed results meaning Hive size and success due to a lot of rain this year. BUT the honey is amazing, we processed a couple of boxes from two hives and wow the honey quality is amazing! We will harvest the rest of our hive by July 27th. And then move some hive to fields of Snow on the Prairie for Jalapeno Honey! More to come.

For 2025: We moved all the Bee Hives back to Farrell Farms so we could monitor the inside temps of the Hives [WIFI HI-TECH]. All are hives are fed and insulated and once it warms up, we will inspect the hives to make sure they have food. For 2025 we are going back to the basics - keeping the Hives is a two box structure and splitting them when the hive gets to big. Last Year, we experimented with a method called The Demaree method, [Look it Up] this was not successful in the end. It started out amazing but as the season progressed, the hives did not grow as fast as expected. The traditional method seems to work the best in North Texas.  More to follow:

Also Note this year all honey proceeds go directly to SAVE THE BEES USA, a Non Profit!

We would LOVE to hear from you! Please leave us a message and let us know you visited our website! 
All about the Bee Hive!

All about the Bee Hive!

Farrell Farms has been busy getting ready for the 2023 Bee Season. We have been making swarm boxes to make sure Bees have a sustainable home to ensure their hive grows strong. See how they are made!

2022 Extracting Honey!

2022 Extracting Honey!

This year was special! All the hives were strong and healthy! We caught two swarms and they are now part of our apiary!

2023 Honey Harvest

2023 Honey Harvest

Farrell Farms Honey, A frame from one of our hives! This year was special as we grew from one hive to over 18. We saved a number of swarms from neighborhood yards, land clearing in Sherman TX, and a sprinkler valve box! All the bees were saved and are happy and healthy!

All Honey is NOT the Same

All Honey is NOT the Same

Foreign honey is tested and regulated through a combination of measures involving both the exporting and importing countries, as well as international standards. These measures are designed to ensure the authenticity, quality, and safety of honey. Additionally, there have been instances where corn syrup or other sweeteners have been illegally added to honey, raising concerns about its purity and authenticity.

  • Van Alstyne, Texas, United States