
Camo Boxes

The Bees are attracted to these Swarm Boxes as they are 40 Liters in volume and filled with frames of wax foundation that allow the bees to start building the comb used to store honey.

Camo Boxes

White Boxes

When Bees swarm, the worker bees engorge with honey to carry with them to their new nest site. While this honey serves to keep the swarm alive during the move to the new location—a period of a few hours to several days—any remaining honey is digested and used to produce beeswax and construct essential honeycomb. Swarm bees are uniquely qualified to produce new beeswax. They are primed to convert the carbohydrates in the honey to liquid beeswax they secrete from the four pair of wax glands on the ventral (bottom) side of their abdomens.